
Conference Papers
2024 June

‘Historical Photographs of Renaissance Architecture in the IAH CAS Collection,’ presented at the conference Renaissance Principles and Their Early Modern Reception: European currents and local appropriations, org. by Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.

2024 March

‘The Birth of Photography in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’ (Fachforum Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Kunstgeschichte), presented at the conference Bild und Raum. 37. Deutscher Kongress für Kunstgeschichte, org. by Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg.

2024 February

‘Padělky ve věku mechanické reprodukce, aneb Bankovky v rukou fotografů v polovině 19. století,’ presented at the conference Trh a kapitál v české kultuře 19. století, org. by Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, Západočeské muzeum, Pilsen.

2023 June

‘The Gerothwohl–Tanner Jigsaw Puzzle,’ presented at the conference Romanian Photography. Local perspectives and European trends, org. by National Library of Romania & G. Oprescu Institute of Art History, Academia Romana (Academia Română), Bucharest.

2023 March

‘Prozaické okolnosti romantického putování ve 2. polovině 19. století,’ presented at the conference Léta putování: Lidé na cestách v dlouhém 19. století. 43. plzeňské mezioborové sympozium, org. by Faculty of Arts, Charles University in collaboration with the Museum of West Bohemia, Plzeň.

2023 February

‘MSCA Stories: Photomechanics,’ presented at the conference 20th Czech Days for European Research CZEDER 2023. Czech Republic in the European Research Area: Benefits and Impact, org. by the Technology Centre, Prague.

2021 October

‘Rembrandt fecit – Liepmann gedruckt. Olejomalba ve věku mechanického tisku,’ presented at the conference Infrastruktury (dějin) umění. VII. sjezd historiků a historiček umění, org. by UHS and UJEP, Ústí nad Labem.

2021 September

‘Daguerreotype and Electricity at the Outset of Photomechanical Reproduction,’ presented at the conference Don’t Press Print 2: De/Reconstructing photomechanical reproduction, org. by Royal Photographic Society and CFPR UWE, Bristol.

2019 December

‘Familial Relationships of Photographic Doubles,’ presented at the conference The Institutional Lives of Photographs, org. by VARI / Victoria & Albert Museum, London.

2018 November

‘Slováci a kalotypie: nová politická reprezentace a nová fotografická technika,’ presented at the conference Hľadanie v prameňoch. Fotografia na Slovensku v rokoch 1839-1918, org. by VŠVU, FOTOFO, Central-European House of Photography and Komenský University, Bratislava.

2018 June

‘Political Identity – “1848”. Photographic portraiture assisting in the Year of Revolution,’ presented at the conference Art, Materiality and Representation, org. by Royal Anthropological Institute, British Museum and SOAS University of London, London.

2018 February

‘Fotografie a okamžik. O zrychlování a zpomalování fotografického záběru,’ presented at the conference Pochopit vteřinu. Prožívání času v české kultuře 19. století, org. by Institute of the Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences, National Gallery and West-Bohemian Museum, Plzeň.

2017 November

‘Negativ – série – kontext,’ presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Photography Department FAMU, org. by FAMU, Prague.

2017 February

‘The Unbearable (and Irresistible) Charm of Duplicates,’ presented at the conference Photo-Objects. On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo-Archives in the Humanities and Sciences, org. by KHI – Max-Planck-Institut, Florence.

2017 February

‘Projekční mikroskop dr. Schuha a “daguerrotypie v praxi”,’ presented at the conference Světlo, stíny a tma v české kultuře 19. století, org. by Charles University and West-Bohemian Museum, Plzeň.

2016 December

‘When Happy Memories Become a Public Secret. Photographic archives of Gabirel Gudenus and Viktor Bauer,’ presented at the 4th International Conference of Photography and Theory, Nicosia.

2014 January

‘Fotograf na Rožmberku andb K historii krajiny a moderního obrazového média v Čechách,’ presented at the 10th Historical-Geographical Conference: Historické krajiny obrazem a písmem, org. by Historical Geography Research Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.

2013 October

‘The Photographic Collection managed by a Research Institute,’ presented at the CoMa: Safeguarding Image Conference. Issues in the management of photographic collections, org. by KIK-IRPA, Brussels.

2012 September

‘Kde končí příroda a začíná umění? Fotografové v Nových Hradech a na Rožmberku v polovině 19. století,’ presented at the Sympozium reprezentace / vytváření prostoru v literatuře a výtvarném umění – Krajina, org. by Ostrava University, Ostrava.

Colloquia and Workshops
2021 October

‘Metternich’s Album of Photogenic Drawings and Calotypes. Lost, yet telling,’ presented at the workshop Teatime Workshop 5, org. by IAH CAS, PHRC De Montfort University and Re/Verso.

2020 March

‘Nationality & Networks: Reflections on the historiography of photomechanical printing,’ presented at the colloquium (Re)producing Photographs, org. by PHRC, De Montfort University, Leicester.

2019 November

‘Photomechanical Printing in Europe in the mid-19th Century. History, theory, visual culture, science and the international network,’ presented at the PHRC Research Day, De Montfort University, Leicester.

2013 May

‘Podíl šlechty na rozvoji zdejší fotografie: Andreas Groll a další,’ presented at the workshop Buquoyský Rožmberk za vlády Jiřího Jana Jindřicha, org. by Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Science and National Heritage Institute, Rožmberk.

2011 October

‘Úloha fotografie v budování buquoyské kulturní krajiny v 19. století,’ presented at the workshop Obnova buquoyské kulturní krajiny, org. by Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.

Public Lectures
2024 November

‘Collection of (historical) photographs of the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Forum Collecting Central Europe / LMU, online.

2024 January

‘Drobný portrét mezi akvarelem a fotografií v polovině 19. století,’ National Gallery Prague, Prague.

2023 October

‘Copy Relations: The mechanical reproduction of art in the mid-19th century,’ Research Circle, CASVA, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.

2022 April

‘Metternich, Talbot a ztracené album fotografií,’ Collegium historiae artium series, Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague.

2014 May

‘Bedřich Franz & Co. Počátky fotografie na Moravě,’ Collegium historiae artium series, Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague.

2013 April

‘Jiří Jan Jindřich Buquoy a nejstarší fotografie Rožmberku,’ National Heritage Institute, České Budějovice.